Juan Luis Landaeta


Juan Luis Landaeta is a Venezuelan visual artist, composer and writer. He displays and deploys a wide range of cultural activities. As a composer, he has been involved in diverse musical productions. He wrote the song “Soy lo que decido” along with the singer Linda Briceno who interprets the song with Carmela Ramirez and Pia Perez.

As a writer, he has published two collections of poems (a rare feat for someone his age): “La conocida herencia de las formas” and “Litoral Central”, both of them critically-acclaimed. In 2009 his book “Destino del Viento”  received a honorable mention in the III Premio Nacional Universitario de Literatura, organized by the University Simon Bolivar, Caracas. In 2011 the book “La conocida herencia de las formas” received a special mention in the I Premio Nacional de Poesía Eugenio Mendoza.

As a visual artist, his daring exploration of forms and lines and his gravity-defying drawings, led to the “Jardín desierto” solo exposition, a show that took place in Williamsburg, NY in 2017. His drawings represent his own calligraphic expression, he speaks through the images with a simple but yet balanced and well-studied distribution of colors and lines. Part of his artistic work can be found in the exceptional book-object “Cercano Alrededor”, a volume dedicated to his artistic endeavors. This is a limited-edition material created with the co-author Feride Mereb.

It is time now to enjoy Landaeta’s creations while we wait for the next surprise that his talents will produce to the delight of all the spectators.



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