Venezuelan Sculptor


University-trained Civil Engineer, and Creative Advertiser by family tradition, with a vast experience in graphic design since 1978 and owner of an advertising agency, Johnny has always been interested in the relationship between numbers and everything in life, including art.

Having taken part in the making of many advertising campaigns, Johnny saw budgets, marketing designs and strategies coexist. This background inspired the artist to create a conceptual artistic expression in which numbers played an important role within the art work. All in universe is measured in numbers: your height, pricing, birth date, etc. Numbers are universal symbols like all things, and it’s quite interesting to show them artistically.

By the end of 2009, Descamps was in search for something different to offer, that is how he started painting numbers with bright, fluorescent colors. He then started to interrelate the numbers with objects, as well as human and animal figures. It was the starting point to develop small, flat wooden sculptures, painted on both sides, mixing bright colors stains and numbers, with the idea to create an intense polychromatic contrast. Soon afterwards, there were new additions such as iron silhouettes -aerograph painted- and acrylic colored numbers placed on it in order to give more volume, and the “eye catching” effect.



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